La JJCobas JC2: la moto para iniciarse en las carreras

En el año 1986 JJ Cobas engenering SL disputo el mundial de velocidad con sus pilotos Oficiales y diferentes carreras clientes con soporte de fabrica. Carlos Cardus, Toni Garcia, Juan Garriga o Luis Miguel Reyes fueron sus pilotos...
Por este motivo este año es uno de los menos prolificos en creaciones de Antonio Cobas, las unicas motos que se diseñaron y fabricaron fueron la JJ Cobas JC2 y la JJ Cobas TA1. La primera de ellas fue la JJ Cobas JC2 con chasis de doble viga de aluminio, primera moto de aluminio realizada con estructura de tubo y motor KTM 250 cross. Esta moto se creo para el Criterium Solo Moto, una moto simple pero con todos los argumentos de Antonio Cobas.

English version: The JJCobas JC2: the motorcycle to start racing

In 1986, JJ Cobas engineering SL competed in the Speed World Championship with its official

pilots and in several customer races with factory support. Carlos Cardús, Toni García, Juan

Garriga or Luis Miguel Reyes were its pilots...

For this reason, this year was the least prolific regarding Antonio Cobas’ creations. The only

motorcycles that were designed and manufactured were JJ Cobas JC2 and JJ Cobas TA1. The

first of those was a JJ Cobas JC3 with a double beam aluminum frame. It was the first

aluminum bike to be built with tubular aluminum frame and it was powered by a 250cc KTM

motocross engine. This motorcycle was created for the Critérium Solo Moto. It was a simple

motorcycle, but with all Antonio Cobas ideas.